Helpline No.

Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy Government College, Himachal Bihar, Matigara, Siliguri-734010, West Bengal, India

Core values of the Institute

Core values of the Institute


Eco-friendly Campus and Sustainability

A Green Campus integrates environmentally friendly practices and educational initiatives to foster sustainable and eco-conscious behaviors within the campus community. These strategies are vital components of institutional planning and budgeting processes aimed at cultivating a clean and green environment. By instilling sustainable and eco-friendly principles in both academic curriculum and student activities, the institution endeavors to create a holistic approach towards environmental stewardship.

Continuous Improvement

Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy Government College (APCRGC) incorporates various improvement measures into its administrative policies to foster continuous enhancement through small, incremental changes in all activities.

Participatory Decision Making

The college promotes participatory decision-making by encouraging employees and students to share their opinions and viewpoints, fostering a culture of collaboration and inclusivity.

Leadership Development

Recognizing the importance of leadership qualities, the institution emphasizes integrity, accountability, empathy, humility, resilience, vision, influence, moral and ethical responsibility, and positivity. Through teamwork, group discussions, and other activities, students are encouraged to develop leadership skills.

Honesty and Integrity

Maintaining honesty and integrity in all proceedings is paramount at APCRGC, reflecting its commitment to ethical conduct and transparency.

Freedom of Thought and Expression

Respecting individuals' freedom of thought and expression is fundamental to the college's ethos, fostering an environment where diverse viewpoints are valued and encouraged.

Academic Excellence

The institution strives for academic excellence, equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their studies and future careers. Its track record of producing successful graduates is a testament to this commitment.

Accountability and Transparency

Emphasizing accountability and transparency, the college ensures that stakeholders are informed through clear communication channels and adherence to regulatory standards, including completing CAG audits.


Regular motivational lectures featuring renowned speakers inspire and motivate students, fostering personal and professional growth.

Social Responsibility

APC Roy Government College recognizes its social responsibility by providing learning materials to economically disadvantaged children in the local community, contributing to the well-being of society at large while maintaining a balance between economic growth and environmental conservation.